'Chainies' is a term that refers to broken pieces of pottery and glass that are found on beaches. These Chainies have been smoothed and rounded by the movement of the waves. The term originated in Ireland during the depression of the 1930’s when the children would use these pieces of glass and pottery to play the game of ‘Chainies’. Another interesting tradition was to decorate the tops of graves with Chainies in the shape of a cross.
There are some who hold fast to the belief that Chainies refers only to the pottery pieces, while others believe that it refers to both glass and pottery pieces. When I googled Chainies, I could find only two references to the term. One was a document prepared for Branch Come Home Year. The other was a book titled "Cowslips and Chainies" by Elaine Crowley who wrote about her life in Dulblin, Ireland in the 1930s and 1940s.